Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympics Showcasing the Human Body - The Ultimate Media

The London Olympics start today in London, England – the first city to host three times – and media coverage is everywhere. We want to watch people do their best on a world stage against the rest of the world’s best. We set the rules, objectives, and conditions. A sports setup that always yields high drama. All sports set stage for physical grandstanding and tangible performances. No “do overs”. No favoritism.  No cheating (hopefully). Just results. 

The main media we focus on are those medal count tables, which supposedly reflects each country’s performance. We cannot measure a runner’s mental endurance, a wrestler’s will, or an athlete’s emotional advantages, so we are left with the physical. Their facial expressions that reflect their endurance or lack of. Their eyes of steely determination. Their body language amid extreme adversity. We all can emulate these emotions (some better than others), but as humans we can interpret this media with minimal bias or dishonest perception. We can see how each Olympic event affects the body, which is why these events capture us so completely. Visual communication has always been an incredibly strong media helping us to learn, grow, and experience life. 

The media of human body propels these games to fantastic levels that make us fantasize, emulate, admire, and connect with our fellow human beings. Basic bodily functions can easily outweigh any other media, which can only remediate, enhance, or compliment human experiences. Spend more time playing these same games with each other as you watch the Olympics. I’m sure mobile media will bring more video coverage and statistical information than ever, but treat it like a tool. When you get a chance to play, then take it and catch up with related media like apps and video games later. Discuss the Olympic experience in forums, but then try it out for yourself or take some lessons. We are so lucky to have access to trainers and other people just as talented as these Olympic athletes. Make up your own Olympics with friends and family members (something we do every Olympics). Get on that human level for the Olympics this year and you will find unique experiences to treasure forever.


Anonymous said...

Magnificent! (As usual. :-P )

Anonymous said...

It took me time to learn all the comments, but I honestly loved the blog. It proved to be very advantageous to me and I'm positive to all of the followers here!