We do multiple
things, which yield multiple uses, but a new event/concept that is simple to
understand and easy to market is rare. The main reason innovation has declined
is the reasoning behind it – make people whatever they like; let the
self-centered customer decide what fits best in their universe.
Companies/marketers are thinking of other people, but these people are mainly
thinking about themselves with no consideration of resulting/reciprocal actions
– a very fickle field of subject to draw from. The resulting may be positive
and profitable, but far from a noticeable advancement in society. Is this state
due to the markets/companies or the source people they draw their direction
With more emphasis on smart products, multiple
incentives, and personal feelings/relationships/associations with food, companies/marketers
are creating an overhyped trend. The upcoming new Butterfinger cups are
scheduled for a Super Bowl commercial. To me, this “innovation” only consists
of keeping the filling inside a Butterfinger soft to put inside a chocolate
shell different enough from Reese’s yet complimentary to the filling flavors.
That’s it. Companies try things out in a
food tasting lab.
Today I feel most people can use the word “innovative” if
the products yields big, noticeable results or awakens another lucrative consumer
market, not because it’s necessarily new or groundbreaking. The established
market changes so much that most “new” products won’t find much resistance
getting at least a reasonable shot at self world focused consumers.
Innovation for new and real change comes from trying
times, special challenges and consideration for others. We don’t hear/see these
stories as much because it’s hard to recognize and measure. One person’s
reaction can be wrong and has been wrong. People have to put faith into the
action for results. The range includes individuals to the largest companies.
It’s not the original inventor we usually here about it’s
the person who made the most money/prominent activities with that invention. The
benefit must be considerable to “justify” putting the innovative action into
reality. People don’t usually take time for experimentation, usability, and
plain ole pondering thought. Effiency, time and cost provide limits to the
Persistence, inspiration, well being, process recording, analysis, collaboration,
curiosity, challenging mindsets, perspective, risk, caring for others and
thinking “out-of-our box” create success and the only resource to achieve this
success is our omnipotent and all-encompassing God who guides our work into His
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