Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Media Today - The Opportunity to Choose God

In media today, the one of the biggest opportunities I see is using it as a convenient way to connect with people and share information (most effectively - a story, a narrative even a testimony), which drives many audiences to divulge, spread, inherit, assimilate and experience as much media as possible.  Shared interests and values has become the hook that draws almost anyone into media, especially on Facebook. It engages people in new ways and creates excitement even after multiple “errors” (e.g. video conference does not work, etc.)

Media today give people a sense of accomplishment, purpose, finding the unattainable is now within reach (e.g. seeing relative in Colorado, etc.) with “real-time” information. People also feel inadequate when they’re not “up-to-date” on hardware or knowledge, which is where individuals have already been resources to help others. A person isn’t “plugged in” naturally; the environment they grow up in influences how and what media they consume. Media companies bring the technology as close to people as possible with easy-to-use interfaces, mobile devices, etc. (recent Facebook main page shows person resting in bed with pet using mobile device).

This media experience does not always work well. Benefits like speed and affordability cannot usually offset cons including large session, false claims, and unhealthy habits. The frenzy makes for a deep ocean of media where people can have a hard time finding a true gift that comes from the heart. In the past, I had the knowledge and skills, but not the theoretical knowledge to first establish what would necessarily work and what would not. Secondly, and more importantly, to evaluate and justify my choice for a certain type of communication. The wisdom I have gained through people willing to help in show me why certain projects have succeeded or failed has been indispensable. It has not been the number of times I have failed; it has been what I have done from those failures.

There is no lasting progressive experience. These devices and related experiences are basically remediations. We can think of an infinite number of possible representations for a page of information. So why do we create this never-ending, depleting hype and quickly move on to the bigger, better thing? One simple answer - because it's what we want to do.

Data mining, immediate information and media genre blending impress initially. Our minds delight, but what lasting effects remain...another experience based on the same parameters. Bing makes fun of the search engine mind slush in its marketing, but Bing is just offering a different way of doing the same thing yet Bing put in the time and research this new media method, so they get the benefit. This world values these new methods, so communicators must research a subject fully and really put in some considerable time to create a sustainable experience for audiences.

My main concern is that media impacts trust, perception and facts. We must use a measure of control that the first impression/encounter is accurate.

Media is basically left to individuals within a church, but there is always room for some minimal guidance (documents, examples, etc.). Probably nothing as specific as “Minister/Discipline Online”, but general information can be helpful, especially including the following (taken from my previous posts here on Media Meaning):

How much time do we spend using media?

Do we numb ourselves with constant media exposure/viewings?

How do we speak to others through our actions and even our purchases?

What would I really get out of this experience that is beneficial and, more importantly, memorable?

What we see with
our eyes is a reflection of what's in our heart, and considering what we see in the media--then there might be something wrong with that.

God sees everything and sees through us.

In media, we're never quite satisfied no matter how many activities we experience. Nothing satisfies as much as God can. No developer knows us better than God. Ecclesiastes 8:5 says "Whoever obeys His command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure." This verse hold the key - God fulfills! Listening and obeying God instead of focusing on my own desires always creates a great challenge.

Don't think you can do it? Here is the tool. Just buy this thing. After this one, you'll be able to do it...wait, get this too. It's a never ending cycle that only ends when we depend on Him, then His desire become ours. Can we deal with this concept on our own? No, we need God.

Thanfully God forgives our transgressions and encourages us to flee from sin, which cannot exist with God in heaven.

Job 31  - "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. For what is man's lot from God above, his heritage from the Almighty on high? Is it not ruin for the wicked, disaster for those who do wrong? Does he not see my ways and count my every step?"If I have walked in falsehood or my foot has hurried after deceit.”

1 Timothy 6:17 "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment."

You won't pay anything for God's love - a never ending resource and strength to escape from sin. So when will the "bubble" burst in our media world. When will we say enough is enough and stop our fickle habits including buying the latest craze then moving on to another one. The media wave never stops, so we have to determine its direction in our lives, not vice versa. In a complex world, it’s very easy to be affected by several factors, but if we don’t grab hold of our personal beliefs and confidence, these factors can begin to erode worthwhile work.

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