Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rockin' out

Borrowed another electric guitar for Rocksmith session two. Watching the latest Pearl Jam Twenty documentary tonight makes the anticipation even higher. Music is such an involving media. I love it. Besides percussion and singing, I have always wanted to gain skills in piano, trumpet, and guitar. My music teachers instilled so much into that medium for me and I'm always grateful. It enhanced so many other elements in my life and so many other talents. At this point in my life where I am turning 40 later this year, music remains one of the best media experiences in almost any genre. Like many other media, music gives you the opportunity for personal expression where the feedback comes back in emotional waves and raw feeling. Music comes back much quicker usually after three or four minutes, so packing a composition and multiple instruments into something meaningful always amazes me. We will see how much my guitar skills progress, but I am always going to love and cherish the progress.

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